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Vascular dementia

Vascular dementia

The second most common dementia form is vascular dementia, whichdevelops after a stroke. However, several disorders such as thyroid problemsand vitamin deficienciescan cause dementia symptoms. Following strokes that obstructmajor brain blood vessels, changes in thought skills may occur unexpectedly invascular dementia. Minor differences in thinking will also develop over time asa result of a series of minor strokes or other diseases that involve smallerblood vessels, causing chronic harm. The degree of the blood vessel damage andthe part of the brain affected determine the symptoms of vascular dementia.Depending on the individual brain areas where blood flow is decreased, memory loss may or may not be a serioussymptom.


Dementia Forum | DementiaCongress | DementiaCouncil | DementiaEvents | Neurologycongress | DementiaConference | NeurologyConference | Dementiameetings | DementiaSummit | Neuroscienceconference.


Dementia Societyof America | Lewy BodyDementia Association | Fisher centerfor Alzheimer’s Research Foundation | Dementia AssociationAlzheimerSociety of Canada | Alzheimer’sSociety of Ireland | Alzheimer’sDisease International (ADI) | Alzheimer’s ResearchUK | AcousticNeuroma Association | Alzheimer’sEurope Association | AicardiSyndrome Foundation and Alliance for Aging Research | ALS Therapydevelopment Institute | Alzheimer’sand Related disorders Society of India | Alzheimer’sResearch & Prevention Foundation | ALSassociation and ALS Therapy Development Institute |  Alternating Hemiplegiaof Childhood foundation and Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation.

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